Frequently Asked Questions
Building a V8 from a 4-cylinder engine is complex and takes a ton of engineering to make it work. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

What is the cost?
This race engine is made in small quantities for enthusiasts who want something special and unique. If this sells in large enough quantities, I will make a cast version reducing the cost.

Why is the exhaust in the middle?
I started with a typical layout with the exhaust on the outside. The timing chain tensioner location relative to the main bolts and block center line made that layout virtually impossible. The exhaust in the middle is a standard modern turbocharged engine layout.

Is it real?
Yes, I am a mechanical engineer that has spent years working on this build. I am building this engine and will sell it to the public. I have already spent tens of thousands of dollars on prototype parts.

Why do the heads face two directions?
Regular V engines have a cylindered and then a mirrored cylinder head. A custom mirrored head would add 15k to this engine and force you to use my cams and my parts. Dual heads facing two different directions fixes the need for a mirrored head.

Why two timing chains?
This allows using almost any K20/K24 Honda cylinder head/camshafts. The cams can be swapped without dropping the transmission— you are not locked into proprietary cylinder heads and cams.

Will this fit X/Y car?
The K48 is a tall deck and a wide engine. Here is a comparison picture with an LS3 overlayed in blue. The K48 is 29 inches wide vs the LS of 28 with stock exhaust headers. The k48 is a short engine 5 inches shorter in length than an LS.

What Transmission can I use?
The K48 features a removable backplate. This allows different transmissions to be directly bolted up without sacrificing space or complexity with an adapter. Select an LS engine back, and all LS-based transmissions will bolt up directly to the engine like a standard LS engine. Same for Porsche, CD009, BMW DSG, Graziano, and others.